From the time you're a child, you're told wait til you grow up.
When you're a child, you count down days til your birthday. You're not merely 6, you're 6 and 3/4. We had a tradition. Mom and Dad would take me out to dinner in Frederick, we'd go to the mall, and I'd get my picture with Santa.
Then at some point, we grow up.
I was reminded of this 2 years ago on my birthday. I worked all day, went to the grocery store to pick up the cake I had to order for myself, went to the pizza place to pick up pizza, and then came home. I was immediately greeted by an excited 4 year old, who came running to me and yelling Happy Birthday Mommy....and threw up on me.
That was when I knew I was grown up.
This year, tomorrow I'll be 37. I'm sick, hubby is sick, I'm in pain with an eye problem that's going to get worse as I age, and my birthday will be spent at a Xmas party for boy scouts, and awaiting snow. No dinner out with mommy and daddy, no Santa.
I love my family. But for some reason this year, I miss when I was a kid. I miss the excitement. Having people REMEMBER it's my birthday, sing happy birthday to me, go out to my favorite restaurant with mommy and daddy, Santa.
When did I grow up? Can I go back to being a kid?
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