On my To Be Reviewed Stack!

On My To Be Reviewed Pile!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Our Big Day out

I'm a tired mommy tonight, but a happy one.

The boys got to do their first carnival.  I've wanted to do it before, but with the bright lights, loud noises from the games and the waits in line for rides, I knew Jamie would never be able to handle it.

Today was great. The people at the church were really nice, and I talked to the guy who runs the carnival, and he said he hoped he could do it again next year.  The guys running the rides were really nice, I thanked a few for coming in to work early so our kids could do this. 

It was just a great afternoon.  We were there for over 2 hours, which would NOT have happened if they were there with everyone else. And I watched this young boy in a wheel chair, being able to ride the rides.  Between his father and the carnival workers, they got him on the rides.  He had a huge grin.

I'm so thankful I found our local autism group.  They have gotten to experience things, they don't get to do, Jamie gets to see his friends from school at these events, and it's just so great to see him scream with happiness.

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