I'm not a fan of Pit Bulls. Or Rottweilers. I don't think I could ever own one without worrying about the boys 24/7.
But this story breaks my heart. Why is it acceptable for animals to be cruelly treated? To be thrown out of moving cars, to be attacked by acid, to drop cement blocks on heads of baby kittens?
How can anyone with an ounce of decency attack a poor defenseless animal?
They say that many killers get their start with killing animals. And I have to believe there's a correlation. I mean, if you can kill an animal, a cute, animal that licks and loves you and only wants to give you love, if you have that hard of a heart, then moving onto human beings seems the next logical step.
And this poor dog has been through so much, and continues to go through surgeries and pain.
And Towpath's new family. Can you imagine, finding an animal so destroyed like this and saying, I'm taking this dog, I'm taking care of it, I'll spend thousands of dollars to make him better? These people are truly angels..
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