Title: Stop Giving It Away: How to Stop Self-Sacrificing and Start Claiming Your Space, Power, and Happiness
Author: Cherilynn Veland
Publication Date: May 17, 2015
Book Description
Being caring and compassionate is important―but too many women allow the weight of others’ needs to press so hard on them that they find they often fail to speak up for what they want and need. And women do this all the time. It’s time for these women to stop worrying quite so much about everyone else―and start taking care of themselves
Book Review: 5 out of 5 stars
Finally a self-help book that explains what the heck I’ve been struggling with for 6 years!! I’ve been In therapy for 2 years, and I think it allowed me to think about what Ms. Veland says with a bit more understanding than I would have approached it six years ago.
I like that the tone of the book is like one that you would get in therapy. She breaks down the ideas and explains them to you, even informally. She doesn’t use a medical dictionary with hard to understand concepts, which I feel is something that has put me off self-help books in the past.
Even after going through therapy, things didn’t make
complete sense to me, until I read this book.
I realized my childhood and events that happened six years ago pushed me
to a breaking point. I knew something
had happened, but didn’t understand what.
And for this alone, it’s worth the price of admission folks. To finally get an idea of why you think and
feel the way you do, and how to get around those thoughts, how to finally dig out
from the hole you’ve pushed yourself into is amazing.
I’ve been so moved by this book, I’m taking the action items, and even little throw-away tips Ms. Veland gives you throughout the book and have started using them in my journaling and using them for further inflection during my daily workouts.
As a mother of two children with Special Needs, I know the stress we’re under, the sacrifices we make, the way we’re left feeling, and I truly believe that every ASD mom/dad should read this!
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